Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day 105: What's For Dinner?

Davey and I would like to change up our dinner menu a bit to be fresher, healthier, "real food." It can be a bit difficult to eat with more fresh foods all of the time when you share a fridge and cooking space. But, that will soon be a thing of the past!

Tonight I tried a new dish that I pinned quite some time ago but never got around to making. (Lots of ingredients intimidate me.) I really liked it, though Davey thought it was lacking something.

The peppers weren't quite as tender as I would have liked. Next time I would boil them like I do for my beef and rice stuffed peppers for a few minutes in advance to get them the way I like them.

Try it out and let me know what you think! Would you do anything different to enhance some of the flavors?  Here is the link to the site where I found it. Black Bean, Sweet Potato, and Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers

If you have any good "real food" recipes to share please do!  The working mom side of me really likes simple and quick assembly. The fewer steps the better. I know, that doesn't always go hand in hand with real whole foods but it is definitely a perk!


This just makes me smile. I love seeing him so engaged in books! The Leap Frog Tab reader is a great idea for kids who like technology when your not willing to give your 2 1/2 year old a tablet to play with!


  1. Check out 100daysofrealfood.com. The chicken tostadas are a quick weeknight meal.

  2. Thanks! I actually love that site though I've never made any of her food.
