Wednesday, August 26, 2015

K4 Here We Come

Daniel and I both started our first day of K4 today! He is getting so big! He's not in my class but I am teaching K4 this year so we'll get to see a lot of each other.

It was a good but long day for both of us.

Each time someone asked Daniel how his day was he nonchalantly said "It was pretty good."

 Daniel was excited that they both get to wear an eagle on their shirts.

Here are some pictures I took of my room yesterday. I made the "log cabin" out of spray painted pool noodles. I am so happy with the way it turned out!

Monday, August 17, 2015

It's Not Just Bed Time

This picture was taken about 3 months ago (Now they have a bunk bed). I was walking by the room with Bekah in one hand and my camera in the other and happened to catch the boys nearing the end of their bed time routine. Down on their knees praying.

Every night Davey puts them to bed. They always start with singing together- typically something like My God is So Big or Running Over. He will also sing hymns to them after they are in bed.


Then they pray.

If they so desire, each of the boys has the opportunity to pray which is one of the sweetest things a mama could hear. Davey is trying to teach them how to pray like they're talking to a friend balanced with a respect for who they are talking to.

This may be one of the most important parts of their day. 

Not only are the boys having quality time with their daddy but a time of worship as they sing and pray. They may not completely understand what they are singing or that when they pray they are actually talking to a living, caring, holy, God, but they are learning.

Teach a youth about the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. -Proverbs 22:6 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Hair Cut!

What is it about hair? I want it long so I grow it out and am discontent with it during the growing out process then after 2 years of waiting for it to finally get to the length I like I decided I'm ready to chop it all off. There is something really freeing about a drastic cut. It's like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. literally. And there is a whole lot less hair pulling from the little one!

Here are the before and after photos. I love the new cut and am donating the rest to Wigs for Kids !

This is a 15in ruler.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Our Little Musician

Micah is going to be our musician. His lips are always filled with a song and, to him, everything is a guitar. The xylophone, he plays with "a money" because he sees my mom play her auto harp with a quarter when he sings in the kids choir at church.  It's pretty stinkin' cute.

He also really likes to eat black pepper.

Monday, June 29, 2015


 It's Summer in our little beach town.

 I like to take the boys to the beach in the mornings during the week. If we go too late in the day, it's hot and a little crowded. Most days I "forget" my beach pass and we just walk the board walk.

 This morning we went on the beach and had some fun playing on the pirate ship. I prohibit them from the water. It's just too much with both of them and an infant by myself. So, we stick with playing in the sand which they are content with. Daniel thinks there are sharks and Octonauts in the water anyway. Though I have told him otherwise. (If you don't know what Octonauts are, you probably don't have a preschooler.) 

I'm a pirate!
Land Oh!

 The boys had a great time, until someone made a less than desirable choice and we had to go home.
Oh, hello real life!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

New Places and New Faces

This weekend we headed up to PA so Davey could help his brother lead worship on Sunday. It was Bekah's first trip and she did well on the drive to and from however, it was pretty obvious that she was not comfortable being away from home. She was uncharacteristically fussy and had trouble falling asleep at night. We arrived Friday night and it was probably not until Sunday morning that she was sort of okay with not having me in her sight every second.

While we were there she got to meet her Great Pop-pop and Mom-mom Ermold. She and Mom-mom share a middle name so it was extra special for her to meet her namesake.

Mom-mom Bortz also came by on Saturday for a visit. The boys of course loved every minute of their time at Grandma's.

Here's hoping our next trip is a little easier on Bekah Girl.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


It is hard to believe but this little boy turned FOUR on Sunday.

Weeks ago, Davey asked Daniel what he wanted for his birthday. Daniel said "I was cake and people."  That's what I love about him! He loves people so much he can't imagine doing life without everyone. 

I made him a Captain America Shield cake.

The inside is striped red, white, and blue! I am elated and slightly surprised that it actually turned out!
I followed this tutorial for the cake. Instead of using cookie cutters for the rings of cake color I used heavy duty foil.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Watkins Park Adventure

We've been going to Watkins Park and Old Maryland Farm for the last 3 years with as many Pearson cousins as can go. The train and carousel are always the highlight of the day, 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

We Made It!

Today was Daniel's last day of K3!

This has been a difficult year for him. And by that, I mean, this has been a very difficult year for me. Daniel started his preschool experience with excitement. After about two days things began to go down hill. The transition just wasn't going well. He was an impulsive, active, rough 3 year old who didn't want to sit for circle time. Each time there was a teacher other than his own (and even then) things went wrong. The first half of the year he got in trouble a. lot. Which means I cried. a. lot. (Don't forget I was an emotional pregnant mamma most of the year.) We were doing everything we could think to do to train him at home and prepare him for the way things worked at school. It just didn't seem to be enough. By November, he had several office visits and a suspension. Boy did the tears run then! 

We decided to make a sticker chart and that worked really well. From mid November until April he had a really good stretch. He was (and continues) showing so much improvement. I had all sorts of people from school and church telling me how they have seen such growth and maturity in him over this year. Wow did I need to hear every one of those encouraging remarks.

Still, I wasn't sure how we were going to get through the end of the year. He is still an impulsive, active little boy. My mother-in-law says he reminds her of Curious George. I agree but there are some things a little monkey can get away with that a little boy can not. Thanks to his teachers and others around supporting his growth, he (we) made it!

One thing I am learning (I wish I could say I have learned but I know I'm not there yet.) is that I can not allow his behavior, good or bad, to determine how my day is but to put my trust in the Lord that He is working in my little boys heart. There were days this year that it was difficult to teach because I was so overwhelmed with his negative choices or the consequences. I think the struggle has been used to draw me to my knees more often than I probably would have had it been easy.

I am thankful to the God I serve for forcing me to put my trust in him. I know that one day these things that are causing so much trouble now will be the very things that make Daniel a strong adult. And I pray he will use those strengths to serve the Lord.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Memorial Day

Bekah can roll over! She's been working on it from back to belly but keeps getting stuck on her arm. I put her on her belly and she rolled right to her back. Now if she could just get past her arm she will officially be on the move.No more leaving her on the bed or changing table. I'm not sure how I feel about this. It is always exciting to see my babies reach milestones but it is equally difficult to see them grow so quickly.

Happy Memorial Day from some of the Pearson cousins.

In honor of Memorial day here is an audio recording we found on Youtube of my dad singing "The Last Full Measure of Devotion" from his Air Force days. Thank you, Daddy, for your service.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Three OHHH!

Yesterday was full of surprises.

Jenn had asked me a week ago if she could take me out to lunch for my birthday. Of course! I am always up for a day out. When she got to my house she walked in with Ang and Chelsea, flowers and balloons!

What a fun surprise!

We headed up to Annapolis where Annie was waiting for us at the Cheesecake factory. YUM!

After we ate, Chris was there to take Bekah while we got pedicures.What an awesome brother!

Like our bright green flip flops?

 All the while, the girls are telling me that Chelsea has to leave by a certain time so her husband could go in to work. We rush home, say our good byes and Jenn "needs to use the bathroom" so she and Ang come up to the house with me...

I walked in to find my house full of people that I did not expect to be there. Then I turned behind me to see Chelsea standing in the door too.

Lies. All lies. Isn't there something in the bible about that?

Apparently this is what they were doing before I walked in.

I can not believe Davey was able to keep this a secret from me. But I am so thankful he did. It was such a blessing. And so much fun to be surprised multiple times in one day!

Thank you to everyone who helped make turning 30 a fun occasion!