Wednesday, August 26, 2015

K4 Here We Come

Daniel and I both started our first day of K4 today! He is getting so big! He's not in my class but I am teaching K4 this year so we'll get to see a lot of each other.

It was a good but long day for both of us.

Each time someone asked Daniel how his day was he nonchalantly said "It was pretty good."

 Daniel was excited that they both get to wear an eagle on their shirts.

Here are some pictures I took of my room yesterday. I made the "log cabin" out of spray painted pool noodles. I am so happy with the way it turned out!

Monday, August 17, 2015

It's Not Just Bed Time

This picture was taken about 3 months ago (Now they have a bunk bed). I was walking by the room with Bekah in one hand and my camera in the other and happened to catch the boys nearing the end of their bed time routine. Down on their knees praying.

Every night Davey puts them to bed. They always start with singing together- typically something like My God is So Big or Running Over. He will also sing hymns to them after they are in bed.


Then they pray.

If they so desire, each of the boys has the opportunity to pray which is one of the sweetest things a mama could hear. Davey is trying to teach them how to pray like they're talking to a friend balanced with a respect for who they are talking to.

This may be one of the most important parts of their day. 

Not only are the boys having quality time with their daddy but a time of worship as they sing and pray. They may not completely understand what they are singing or that when they pray they are actually talking to a living, caring, holy, God, but they are learning.

Teach a youth about the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. -Proverbs 22:6