Monday, March 31, 2014

Day 90: Reptile World!

Today we had Reptile World come to our school. 
This is a favorite "field trip" of mine. Michael Shwedick is a guy who has been intrigued with reptiles since he was a kid and was able to turn that love of reptiles in to a career. He travels all over bringing his unique presentation to schools, libraries, and all sorts of assemblies. If you have a opportunity (and aren't too scared) I would highly recommend going to see one of his presentations! 

Of course he brought one of his famous albino python's with him. This is the only animal during the presentation that he allows the kids to actually touch.

"Banana Boy's Brother" a.k.a. "Tripple B"

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Day 89: Life Skills

Teaching this boy early how to give (unsolicited) head and back rubs. His future wife will thank us.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Day 88: Reading Fort

It was a lazy day around the Ermold home for me and the boys. (Davey was out all day at a bible quiz rally.)

While Micah was taking his morning nap, I built a fort for Daniel across "his chair." He thought that was pretty neat and sat under it for quite some time reading with his leap reader. That was, of course, very nice for me because it meant that I got a few minutes of quite! A rare treasure indeed.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Day 87: Party Time

Tonight we celebrated my nephew Elijah's 2nd birthday. It was Mickey Mouse themed! My parents have had this Mickey cake mold for as long as I can remember so my dad decorated it and it turned out great!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Day 86: Selfie

 It is extremely difficult to keep him in one place long enough to get a picture of him anymore. So tonight I resorted to capturing him and taking a selfie! I am sure there will be many more like it...I hope. :)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Day 85

Because I have nothing else, here's a  blurry picture of my little cutie.

 He doesn't let an ear infection get him down!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Day 84: Never Ending

When you have kids, the sickness seem to be always starting and never ending. Colds specifically. As a mom and a teacher I have learned to accept it and roll with it. They're all going to spread it back and forth no matter how hard we try to contain it. (And no, that doesn't mean I don't try to contain it)

Last night Micah woke up after about an hour and a half of sleeping (9:45ish) and started to cry. And he continued to cry and pull his ears until I finally got him to sleep around 3:30. Yep, Another ear infection! Poor baby, I was so annoyed with him until I realized he probably had one...lets be real, I was annoyed even after I realized it could be his ear. I like my sleep. Thankfully Davey got him a doctor's appointment and some antibiotic. Here's praying he sleeps tonight and begins to feel better quickly!

Um, my ears hurt. May I please have some Tylenol? 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Day 83: Look Down

This mini daffodil and some purple crocuses great me each morning and evening as I go about my busy day. They are the only flowers in my moms flower bed that have braved this rough transition to spring. It is beautiful. Though, if I don't look down I miss it. 

(I am completely ignoring all talk of snow for tonight and just thinking about warmer weather and more pretty flowers to look at.)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Day 82: Daniel's Back!

Micah got a huge smile on his face when he saw Daniel walk in the door today. He definitely loves his brother. 

Back to our regular shenanigans 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Day 81: Freedom

This little boy had a great day. He had the freedom to play with any toy he wanted without his brother trying to take it from him! 

After finding him in the bathroom sitting proudly on Daniel's step-stool, I took this chair out for him. He was really excited and surprised that it made noise when he sat on it. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Day 80: Spur of the Moment!

Tonight (while I showered) Davey and the boys skyped with Grandma Ermold and the rest of the family who happened to be over for dinner at their house in PA. Davey said that Daniel was just sitting quietly and sort of pouting and not really talking. He clearly was sad that he couldn't be at Grandma and Grandpa's Ermold's house with everyone else. Not to mention that he's been asking me about Aunt Abby and Grandma quite a bit recently.

Davey came and asked me what I thought about sending Daniel up there for the weekend. He walked back over to Daniel and asked what he thought about getting dressed and going to visit Grandma. Before he even finished the question D jumped up and ran to his bedroom and started pulling out his clothes! So cute. He was running around the house elated! About 10 minutes later they were out the door with a packed bag and a smile!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Day 79: Happy Spring!

It's the first day of Spring which means Free child size Italian ice at Ritas! I took the boys after school and they were rather excited about the icy treat. (I splurged and got a gelati.)

YUM! Happy Spring!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Day 78:That Kid Looks Just Like Me!

In our church nursery there is a mirror on the babies level. When he saw himself he got very excited!

I really want to get a picture like this with my nice camera but my non-smart-camera phone will have to do for now. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Day 77: Child Labor

Micah: "I think I'll just stand here and look cute while Daniel does all the work."
Sweeping under the loose tiles in Grandma's kitchen

Monday, March 17, 2014

Day 76: Happy St. Patty's Day!

Micah is 11 months old today, it's St. Patrick's Day, and it's a snow day! And because my MOPS meeting has been cancelled my family get's to eat the yummy desert I made! St. Patty's Day Mint Pudding Parfait

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Day 75: Operation Take Grandpa Down!

My brother James' kids were over today and I don't think this picture needs any more explanation.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Day 74: My (little) Piano Man

Daniel saw Micah pull some of Davey's music off of the book shelf and decided he wanted to play something on the piano. So, I pulled out his "Ants Go Marching" book that has the music in the back for him to "play."

Super Cute!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Day 73: 1...2...3...Shhhhhhhh!

Tonight we celebrate my niece Allie's 3rd birthday. It was a little too rowdy for present opening time so Steven( my bro and Allie's dad) took charge and told the kids that they could only see the presents if it was quiet and if they made too much noise the presents would disappear. This of course got all of the kids attention! He started counting ONE...TWO...THREE...shhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  Between each gift Allie opened he had them say it with him "1...2...3..shhhhhh!" He may be crazy but it worked! I told him he's welcome to come visit my classroom any day of the week.

We also tried getting a picture with the 4 youngest of the 12 Pearson grand-kids. This was not an easy feat. Micah poked Joshua in the eye at least twice and I think whacked Josiah in the face. He and Josiah would not sit or lay still for more than 2 seconds at a time and it was, of course, never at the same time! Too funny. This was my best picture.
Josiah, Micah, Joshua, Oliver

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day 72: Uh Oh

Micah has learned "Uh Oh" Tonight he was playing, "I will hand this to you and then you give it back!" He dropped it and I said "Uh Oh" which started a new game...

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Day 71: Shoes...

Daniel, like most kids, likes routine. He is also extremely 2 and extremely boy. For the last several months he has gotten in to the routine of taking his shoes and sometimes his socks off in the car to and from school every day. The first few times it was funny now it's just annoying . I started trying to discipline him with the threat "if you take those off (insert punishment of the day here)" because I didn't want to have to fight him to put his shoes back on each time we got to our destination. Every. Single. Day. Then one day I had an epiphany, if he takes his shoes off he can walk on the cold or wet or dirty ground and deal with the discomfort and see how he likes it.  So today on our way home he, of course, took his shoes off. When we got home the driveway and side walk were wet and I thought, "this will teach him!" I got him out of the car and as he stepped on the wet pavement with his just his socks on he said "oh it's wet!" and just kept walking as if nothing was wrong. In fact when he got inside he thought it was fun that he made wet foot prints on the wood floor. Then I remembered the "he's all boy" thing and realized my plan to teach him to keep his shoes on will probably never work.

And then there are the times I want to take his shoes off and he doesn't want to...

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 70: Get Daddy!

My boys. They love their daddy. Well, Micah is still rather partial to me but Daniel definitely LOVES his daddy. The past few days he has been extra emotional in regard to wanting Davey. This is especially strong in the morning as we drive out of the drive way leaving daddy to go to work in his car while we head to school. It is very heart breaking to hear. Then after school he acts like he doesn't care if Davey comes home or not! He's such a 2 year old! I think he is in need of a quality time with daddy day/outing soon but tonight this will have to do.

Micah wins!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Day 69: Peak-A-Boo!

Like most babies, Micah is a major fan of peak-a-boo. He was covering his eyes with both hands and would get this super cute smirk...before I got the camera. Then the game was pretty much over. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Day 68: Children's Sunday

This morning we had a special service at our church in honor of and led by our children and youth. It was a fun service that gave the Sunday School classes 2's&3's-5&6th grades and children's church a chance to share a little bit about what they are learning each week. Our various youth and children's choirs sang and it ended with a fantastic rendition of the Three Trees story and a puppet show. The puppet show was Daniel's favorite part! The little Cherub choir (that I mentioned a few days ago) sang My God Is So Big. Daniel however was not in the mood. All he wanted was to be with his daddy.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Day 67: Short Sleeves, Snow Men, and Sidewalk Chalk

It was such a beautiful day out that we couldn't stay inside. So, we made a mini snow man with some of the remaining snow and played with sidewalk chalk! My boys love being outside and I love that about them!

And I started a 30 day plank challenge today created by my friend and blogger Mackenzee. Not sure we will be friends anymore after this though...

Friday, March 7, 2014

Day 66: Singing with Grandma

My mom leads a children's choir at our church ranging from age 2 to 5 and this coming Sunday they will be singing "My God is so Big" at our special children's service. She likes to practice with Daniel at home because the stinker rarely participates during practice time at church.

He and Elijah were really getting in to it!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day 65: Mario Time!

Davey introduced Daniel to Super Mario. Now Daniel asks to watch him play on a daily basis and what guy would say no to that? He gets all in to it and tells Davey to be careful and asks where he's going and what he's doing. It is quite a sight.

So Serious.
Daniel is holding the extra non-connected remote. I think he thinks he's actually playing.

Day 64: We love Books!

Daniel loves books. His favorite time to read is just before bed each night and tonight, Micah got in on the action. I hope this love for books continues and grows as he gets older. It's also about time update our inventory because most of what we have are either too young or too old for him or just plain boring. It's time to visit Good Will or perhaps make a scholastic order for some new ones!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Day 63: Big Boy

Micah figured out how to get in the cozy coupe today. He was very proud of himself!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Day 62: Sensory Play

We (I) decided to do a little non-messy sensory play on this beautiful snow day. I made a sensory bag filled with shaving cream for Micah while Daniel played with play dough. Micah wanted nothing to do with it. He would much rather feel his puffs move from his table to his mouth. And Daniel wanted to make a mold of his nose. Goofy kids! We also made snow cream this afternoon which is a must for me when we have a good snow!
I will try again tomorrow with the shaving cream bag and perhaps we will get a little snow play in as well!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Day 61: Who Needs Milk and Bread?

While everyone else went to the store this evening to stock up on milk and bread, we went to get some ice cream! I think he approves.

In using reverse psychology to get him to smile this is what I got.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Day 60: First Steps!

Mikie took his first official steps today!
I have to say, I am not one of those moms who cringes when my kids start to crawl or walk for fear of them getting in to everything. I LOVE watching their development. It is fun (though exhausting) to chase them around and watch them discover and learn. It points me straight to our Creator. The amazing design and care he puts in to each child makes me sing his praises! It is such a blessing to be a mommy.

He's going to be a walking pro in a week!