Sunday, November 30, 2014

Day 334

This morning we packed up and headed over to visit Mom-mom who has been sick much of this week and sadly missed out on all of the family time she loves. Then we took the boys to church where Davey grew up so we could visit some families we hadn't seen in a while. After church we went back to Dave and Marie's for lunch and headed home just in time for the boys to nap in the car.

As soon as we arrived home, I jumped in the other car and went to a Jamberry nail party where I didn't get anything because even though I LOVE jams they aren't exactly in my budget this month, or next. The party was still fun and I'm glad Davey encouraged me to go just for the fun of it!

Davey has always called Mom-mom's dog, Sandy "baby girl." He had to break the news to her today that he is going to have another "baby girl" soon. I think she took it pretty well.
And tomorrow it's back to work. sigh... Only 3 more weeks til Christmas break!!!

Honestly though, I am so very thankful to have a job and one that I enjoy so even though it's trendy to complain. I really am grateful!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Day 333: TISSUES!

Today was a really nice day. Davey and I left the boys with Grandpa Ermold and went to see Mockingjay Part 1. SO good. And So nice to have a little us time. We grabbed a quick lunch and stopped by Cory and Naomi's for a little bit.

This evening Uncle Brad and Aunt Colleen had early Christmas presents for the boys. Daniel was so excited that when he opened the box and saw tissue paper he yelled "TISSUES!!!!" as if that was the present. Ha! Glad to know all I need to get him for Christmas is a box full of tissue paper. Thankfully he was equally as excited when he found the coat under the tissue paper.

We ended the evening with some pizza and relaxed Ermold Family time.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Day 332: Thanksgiving Day Two

After a fun night with the Pearson clan, we drove to PA for some family time with the Ermold's.
Getting here and trying to keep the boys asleep last nigh worked great for Daniel but not so much for Micah. I think he was confused and didn't know where he was because he would not lay down with out crying or appearing nervous. I put him in bed with me and Davey slept on a mattress on the floor in Brad's room. All night long Micah had to be touching me to feel secure and safe. If I moved even the slightest bit he would wake right up and grab my hand or roll closer to me. Needless to say, I didn't sleep very well last night. Thankfully I got a nap in today. (ah vacation!) After being here for the day Micah went to bed MUCH easier tonight.

It's so picturesque up here. (Photo credit for much of this post goes to Davey)


Daniel was so excited to wake up and find there is snow here. He was asleep when we got here last night so he had no clue.

This evening we had our annual Bortz/Benfield Thanksgiving get together. (This is my mother-in-law's side of the family.)

There were easily twice the number of people here tonight as there were with my family yesterday and yet the noise level was about half. I guess not every family is as loud as mine! Haha! Granted there aren't nearly the number of children but even taking them out of the equation, I'm pretty sure my family would still win in a noise level competition.

Daniel playing with his 2nd cousin Tye.

All in all, it was a good day.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Day 330:Yummy

Someone enjoyed his dinner tonight.

Good thing we used a drop cloth.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Day 329: Husband Material

This boy likes to cook, clean, and cuddle. We are in the process of making a great husband for someone some day!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Day 328: Pattern Practice

We've been working with Daniel on making patterns (mostly just ABAB). Davey was doing them with him last night and every time he would ask Daniel what color comes next, Daniel would point to the wrong one and say "this one?" with a sneaky grin on his face like he knew he was wrong. The little stinker. Each time he tried that tonight, I just looked at him knowingly and he switched his answer. He does really well when we ask what comes next each time but he is still working on doing it on his own.

And if you ever watched the TV show Reba, Daniel's smile in this picture reminds me of Van's "charming" smile. 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Day 326: Picture Time

We needed to take pictures for our Christmas card this year so we took the boys down to the board walk in town since it's already getting spruced up for the season.

Here are some pictures that didn't make the cut for the card but ended up being pretty darn cute.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Day 325: Oliver' 1st Birthday!

Tonight we went to my nephew Oliver's 1st birthday party! His real birthday was yesterday as well as my sis-in-law Annie (not mom to Oliver) Happy Birthday to both of you!

Oliver's party was Jungle themed. Amy and her mom made the themed food. So cute! It wouldn't show in the collage but the sign sticking out of the cake said "I am 1 Hear Me Roar."

  The Birthday Bot in the batmobile! Amy just painted this. It used to be pink. Isn't it so fun?

 Uncle Davey holding Ephraim, the newest member of the Tim Pearson family.

Joshua taking it all in wondering when it will be his turn for a birthday.

 Josiah being cute with his little aviator hat.

 Amy made binoculars with toilet paper rolls and had the kids go on a scavenger hunt/safari to see how many animals they could find.

Micah kept stealing fruit from the fruity hippo.

 James made Amy sit for 30 seconds so I snatched a picture. :)



 All the kids hovering over Ollie's cake

"I'd say it was pretty tasty mom!"

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Day 323: JUMP

I asked Daniel what I should take a picture of. He said, "Me jumping!"

Well, alrighty then!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Day 322: Cozy

Getting cozy on the couch and reading books on this cold November night.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Day 321: MOPS Craft!

At our MOPS meeting tonight we got to make Advent wreaths. I didn't finish mineyet but will this weekend. I'm excited to do it with Daniel. He's finally old enough to do something like this and I think it will be fun.

This is an example of what it should look like when it's done.

And now to finish mine...
I'm going to put scripture passages on the back of each circle for us to read each day.
If I remember, I'll post an after picture of mine when I'm done with it.