Saturday, May 24, 2014

Day 144: Dinner Guests!

One of the things we are most excited about in having this house is the opportunity to have people over. It wasn't quite as easy to have guests while living at our parents. We did but they were few and far between...and mostly family. It is been 3 weeks since we moved in and tonight we had our first dinner guests! The first in a long line of people we want to have over. We even have a guest book! I love this idea (Davey's idea) of keeping a record that we can look back on and see all of the people we will have the honor of hosting in our home. So, if you come to visit, you MUST sign the guest book!

I should have gotten a picture of us and Steve and Jenn. Oh well! Daniel was so excited to have company that all day he was asking when Allie was coming over. He was a very happy boy when they finally got here!

Allie didn't care enough about having ice cream to finish her chicken.


  1. Love these photos! And by the way, Davey and I are so related! I have a guest book too. lol
    Love you guys,
    In Christ, Neicy

    1. Love that you have a guest book to. It's such a fun idea.
