I am a working mom. Not because I choose to but because I have to financially right now. (And for having to work, I love my job and the school where I teach!) One of the difficult things about having 2 full time jobs (mom and teacher) is when one completely takes over the other. I am very good about not letting work life overtake family life but when mom life takes over work life it can be somewhat stressful for me. I have a hard time leaving my class to someone else's care. After all they have been put in to my educational care this year. However, my children come first. Apparently what Daniel had yesterday was not just a 24 hour bug. So I stayed home with him today. It's not the most horrible stomach bug in the world and I'll spare you the details but it sure did wipe him out. Poor thing fell asleep around 10am while watching Toy Story 3.

He seems to be doing better this evening but so we thought lat night and it turned out we were wrong. So we will be staying home hopefully only one more day to ensure he is 100% before heading back to school. Off I go to write sub plans for tomorrow.
And this is kind of cheating since it was last night and I wasn't actually there to take the picture but here is one of my parents with their newest grandson Joshua Richard.
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