Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day 26: New Beginnings and Some Sneakiness

Today our church held a special service in which we had the opportunity to commission those called to join a new church plant in the southern part of our county. It is truly a bitter sweet opportunity to send this group out to reach a different part of our community. The selfish part of me wants to keep many of them here but I know God's plan is greater and I am excited to see how he works through this new church community known as Grace Church at West Shore.
Most of the people that can be seen in this picture are members of the church who went up to lay hands on those who were being commissioned. I tried to get a picture of just the church plant group but couldn't get a good shot.

After the service we had a "Ministry Fair" where many of our church ministries or community ministries that our church members are involved with held a booth to share what their ministry is about. It was such a neat event just seeing all of the wonderful things God is doing through our community. I am blessed to call this place (Calvert GBC) my home and these people my church family.
Laying of hands

I was just going to post about Church today and then I caught this cute little man sneaking a little play time with daddy's iPad. (Don't mind the pile of laundry on the bed...)
sneaky boy

1 comment:

  1. I so agree! It was an awesome morning! I wanted to stay longer, sing longer, praise longer....LOVE on Him longer! <><
    And the laundry...that's so normal!
    Love the photo...I see myself in the corner :-)

    Love ya!
