Saturday, April 11, 2015


We took a family trip to the zoo on this perfectly beautiful day! Davey was originally going to just go in with the boys but Bekah and I decided to join them. We don't do many day trips like that as a family so I'm glad we went!

We took the metro in to the city which Daniel loved! He got to ride a "choo choo train!" When we got out and started the trek from the metro stop to the zoo, Daniel looked around and exclaimed with excitement "Look! A trash can!" Clearly he doesn't get out much...I'm pretty sure he was more excited about the trash cans we passed than he was with half of the animals at the zoo.

I love the elephants!

Daniel was more excited about little birds than he was about animals like the cheetah and elephant. Though he was very excited to see the gorilla's or "galilla's" as he calls them.

Bekah was very good the entire time. It probably had something to do with the fact that I was carrying her in the ergo the entire time. What can I say? She love being with her mamma!

Mikie kept sliding out of his stroller seat and running away. We have to keep a keen eye on that one! eventually we just buckled him in when we didn't want him going anywhere. It was a fun and exhausting day.

Also, Bekah Mae is 2 months today! 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the photos....of the family and the #animals. I love the elephants and the monkeys. They're my favorite! BEAUTIFUL family-beautiful memories!!

