Sunday, April 26, 2015

Three OHHH!

Yesterday was full of surprises.

Jenn had asked me a week ago if she could take me out to lunch for my birthday. Of course! I am always up for a day out. When she got to my house she walked in with Ang and Chelsea, flowers and balloons!

What a fun surprise!

We headed up to Annapolis where Annie was waiting for us at the Cheesecake factory. YUM!

After we ate, Chris was there to take Bekah while we got pedicures.What an awesome brother!

Like our bright green flip flops?

 All the while, the girls are telling me that Chelsea has to leave by a certain time so her husband could go in to work. We rush home, say our good byes and Jenn "needs to use the bathroom" so she and Ang come up to the house with me...

I walked in to find my house full of people that I did not expect to be there. Then I turned behind me to see Chelsea standing in the door too.

Lies. All lies. Isn't there something in the bible about that?

Apparently this is what they were doing before I walked in.

I can not believe Davey was able to keep this a secret from me. But I am so thankful he did. It was such a blessing. And so much fun to be surprised multiple times in one day!

Thank you to everyone who helped make turning 30 a fun occasion!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

A Boy Free Weekend

This weekend Davey went on a retreat with the men at our church. Since it was the end of my first week back to work with a new little one I knew I'd be exhausted. So, we sent the boys up to Davey's parents while he was gone.

It was so nice.

And quiet.

My plan for the weekend? Enjoy the peace and get some scrapbooking done. Aside for a few finishing touches, I finally finished Micah's birth to 1 year scrapbook. Yay!

My girl and I ready for church. My hair is so long!

My guys got home around 5 and after dinner we sang happy birthday and had cupcakes in celebration of Micah's 2nd birthday. Happy Birthday to my happy little boy!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A Surprise Visit

This afternoon looked out of my classroom door and saw my sister-in-law Jenn and her two youngest standing in my doorway. In their hands were flowers and a milk shake just because I came back to work this week. That seriously made my day! Allie and Josiah both came in and made themselves at home in my classroom. I wish they could have stayed longer. My students loved seeing them. I should have taken a picture with them but here are the flowers Allie picked out for me. So sweet!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Back At It

I went back to work today, after 2 months of maternity leave. It has been a sweet time being home with my babies these last few weeks, a time I certainly do not take for granted. It was a good but long day back. My students were really good for me which was a definite plus! It's always difficult going back after a break, and I know I have said this numerous times before, but I am thankful to work at a place where I can bring my kids and see them during the day. I am truly blessed.

Saturday, April 11, 2015


We took a family trip to the zoo on this perfectly beautiful day! Davey was originally going to just go in with the boys but Bekah and I decided to join them. We don't do many day trips like that as a family so I'm glad we went!

We took the metro in to the city which Daniel loved! He got to ride a "choo choo train!" When we got out and started the trek from the metro stop to the zoo, Daniel looked around and exclaimed with excitement "Look! A trash can!" Clearly he doesn't get out much...I'm pretty sure he was more excited about the trash cans we passed than he was with half of the animals at the zoo.

I love the elephants!

Daniel was more excited about little birds than he was about animals like the cheetah and elephant. Though he was very excited to see the gorilla's or "galilla's" as he calls them.

Bekah was very good the entire time. It probably had something to do with the fact that I was carrying her in the ergo the entire time. What can I say? She love being with her mamma!

Mikie kept sliding out of his stroller seat and running away. We have to keep a keen eye on that one! eventually we just buckled him in when we didn't want him going anywhere. It was a fun and exhausting day.

Also, Bekah Mae is 2 months today! 

Friday, April 10, 2015


Ephraim came for a visit today! He and Bekah had a grand time hanging out. 

He was clearly not entertaining enough.

They're holding hands!

The Castle

On a daily basis Daniel asks to build a castle. The castle can not be built with blocks or legos like one might think. It must always be built with the couch cushions. It started with just the cushions from one couch and has evolved in to an even bigger "castle" with all of the cushions and pillows he can get his hands on.

You can't see Micah but he is in there.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Hi Ho!

Daniel got up from nap before Micah, this afternoon, and wanted to play a game. Usually we play a memory game (he has about 4 different versions) but I decided to pull out Hi Ho Cherry-O which we had not played before. I taught him how to play and we played 6 or 7 rounds. With out trying, I lost every round except the last one. Ha! Of course, this is now his favorite game.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Resurrection Day!

For my family, this day is so much more than bunnies, colored eggs, and candy. It is a celebration of the day my Savior, Jesus, crushed Satan and defeated death. In Him we have new life. I am thankful for the love my God has shown me by making it possible for me to have a relationship with Him. It is my prayer that my children would grow to have a relationship with with the Lord that is even stronger than mine.

Our Easter started at Church, celebrating with our church family. When we got home I gave the boys their Easter Baskets and after naps we headed over to James and Amy's to celebrate with my family.

11 of the 14 Pearson cousins!
