Saturday, October 25, 2014

Day 298: The Great I Am

Our women's retreat this weekend has been about the Great I Am. Focusing on a study of Jesus statement in John 14:6 "I am the Way the Truth and the Life." It has been a wonderful study paired with a beautiful worship set. I think this is my favorite of any retreat I've been on.
In our packets the welcome page says, "This weekend Jesus calls you away. Talk to Him. Soak in words of life. Define your relationship. Worship wholeheartedly. Sing with abandon. Boldly obey. Love God's people. Dare to let go."
 I am very sleepy and it's difficult to blog on this little tablet or I'd probably write a bit more about how God has been working in my heart this weekend. But there are a couple of things I am, choosing to let go of (praying that with God's grace I will truly  be able to let go).

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