Friday, October 31, 2014

Day 304: Happy Halloween!

I think I mentioned this before but I found these costumes at a Walmart in South Carolina several weeks ago. Daniel has been on a Spider-man kick recently and when I saw it I couldn't help myself. So, of course we had to get Micah a super hero costume too. Doesn't he make the cutest Captain America!?

Every year since I was little my church has put on a Fall Festival on Halloween night. I didn't grow up in a neighborhood where trick-or-treating was conducive so it was a great alternative for our family. And it's been a major outreach for our community over the years. There are lots of games to play and a moon bounce to jump on. Now, we live in a community that is perfect for trick-or-treat but we still went to church. Maybe when the kids get a little older we'll do the trick-or-treat thing but for now we're sticking with the church Fall Festival. We did leave a bowl of candy on our porch hoping it wouldn't all be taken by one or two kids with a note saying we wouldn't be there but feel free to take a piece of candy. We were wiped clean when we got home!

Our next door neighbor came over earlier in the evening with goodie bags for our boys. She said she never sticks around for trick-or-treat because of the droves of children that come through, many unaccompanied, but wanted to give the boys something before she disappeared. I thought that was the sweetest thing! 

At church and ready for candy and games!!!! He Started off the night introducing himself to everyone as Spider-man and referring to Micah as Captain America (aka Taptain Amerita).

Playing in the ball pit! He spent most of the night on the kiddie moon bounce where my parents were volunteering. I didn't get any good picture of that though.

He stacked 3 ice cream scoops!

Captain America is getting a little sleepy. He just laid down in the middle of everything.

Chris and Annie with their little pumpkin!

Cousins photo! We actually got all 12 (and Uncle Steve and Uncle Chris) with no melt downs!
I love how happy Adie looks just being next to Emma. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Day 303: Feed Me!

I didn't give the boys a snack after school today because they've been "filling up" on gold fish and not wanting much of their dinner. Micah was not exactly happy about this and was fussing at my feet the entire time I cooked dinner. Not that he doesn't fuss at my feet normally but his fussing was definitely intensified by the lack of fish in his belly. My plan worked though! He and Daniel gobbled up dinner!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Day 302: My Cutie Pie

I got home from church late tonight after youth group and praise team practice and realized I have no picture. The boys (all 3 of them) are in bed and I look like poo so I am definitely taking one of me. Instead, here is Daniel's school picture! It's not exactly from today but we just got it a few days ago. (I took a picture of a picture so it's a bit grainy) 

I had a doctor's appointment today and apparently Baby Bekah is measuring a week ahead (even though she was right on track a month ago). I guess we are expecting another big baby! Here's hoping my baby girl is still slightly smaller than the boys. All I'm asking for is a 9 pounder. And yes, I know that sounds big to most moms but when your first two are 10lb 5oz and 9lb 9oz,  9lb sounds tiny!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Day 301: Playing Catch Up

Getting behind in some of my work and can't seem to get on top of it. So, I broke one of my rules of not doing work at home in lieu of family time. Brought my pile home and after dinner I locked myself in the bedroom for 40 mins while Davey played with the boys just so I could climb to the top of this pile of grading. Thanks honey!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Day 300: After School

It was such a beautiful day out! We couldn't help but spend some time outside on the deck after school.

D always asks his teacher for stamps on his hands. Today he must have wiped his nose before the stamp dried because he has a clear stamp print on his nose.

Daniel's homework this week is to draw a piture of a garden. Micah got hold of a crayon and decided to draw his own picture...on the wall. :)

Mom, what am I doing in here with paper? It's way more fun to color on the wall.

 Someone's been paying attention to where his teacher keeps her pencil.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Day 299: Home Again

This weekend was a wonderful retreat. I felt God moving in my heart and I know He was working in the hearts of many women who went. I so appreciated the speaker and all she had to say on the Great I Am. And the worship set was just perfect. I am thankful for all of the women who poured their heart and time in to putting the retreat on. It really was lovely. As much as I enjoyed being away I am so very glad to be home. I missed these boys and their daddy.

Since I didn't have an opportunity to take a picture or blog about it before leaving, Daniel went on his first preschool field trip on Friday. They went to Burke Nursery for their "pumpkin patch" field trip. I have to say I was kind of sad I couldn't go with him but it seems he had a really great time!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Day 298: The Great I Am

Our women's retreat this weekend has been about the Great I Am. Focusing on a study of Jesus statement in John 14:6 "I am the Way the Truth and the Life." It has been a wonderful study paired with a beautiful worship set. I think this is my favorite of any retreat I've been on.
In our packets the welcome page says, "This weekend Jesus calls you away. Talk to Him. Soak in words of life. Define your relationship. Worship wholeheartedly. Sing with abandon. Boldly obey. Love God's people. Dare to let go."
 I am very sleepy and it's difficult to blog on this little tablet or I'd probably write a bit more about how God has been working in my heart this weekend. But there are a couple of things I am, choosing to let go of (praying that with God's grace I will truly  be able to let go).

Friday, October 24, 2014

Day 297: Carousel!

At my church's women's  retreat in Ocean City. Love these ladies!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Day 296: Visitors

Since I'm heading out of town tomorrow for my churches women's retreat, Marie and Mom-mom  came to visit Davey and the boys. Let's face it, they're really just here for the boys!

They're playing "How many blocks can we stack on a baby's belly?"

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Day 295: Mommy, Stop Whining

My sweet boy could tell I was upset about something today and my pregoness led me to unnecessary crying. (I am honestly too embarrassed to share what I was crying about because it was my own stupidity so that will remain untold.)

Daniel may be a rough boy but he has such a tender heart and out of sympathy he started singing his favorite song with some revised words, "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Let Mommy feel better." This led me to cry even more because of how sweet and cute he was at which point he began telling me, "Mommy, you need to take deeeeeeep breaths and stop whining." HA! That got me laughing. Sometimes you just need a 3 year old to tell you to stop whining!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Day 294: Monkey George

Daniel Loves "Monkey George." We have this book which is collection of 8 Curious George stories that he always wants me to read for him. Tonight he "read" one of the stories to me.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Day 293: Out of Ideas.

I went to my monthly MOPS meeting tonight. There is something so special about spending just a few hours with other moms. While there a friend mentioned how amazed she was that I am able to get a picture each day with no repeats. I told her I didn't have a picture and had no clue what I was going to write about for today. After I got home I still had no clue what to take a picture of. It's so much easier when I can get a shot of the boys.  Davey told me to take a picture of my leftovers from the MOPS potluck. So here is it.

This year we are doing themes each month for the types of food to bring for our potluck dinner. Tonight the theme was International Food. I found a recipe in my "Fix it and Forget it" cookbook for Sweet and Sour Chicken. It turned out pretty tasty. Not exactly what I would consider sweet and sour chicken but it tasted good.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Day 292: My Little Reader

Micah loves to read. at any given time he would rather read a book (or 10) with me or Davey than play with toys. I love it! He definitely gets his love for reading from his daddy and I hope he keeps it.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Day 291: Chattin' it up with Grandma

The boys got to talk with Grandma Ermold for a few minutes this morning. Davey gave the phone to Daniel first and while he was talking Micah had tears streaming down his face because he wanted the phone. That boy LOVES to talk on the phone.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Day 290: Fleeting Moments

 I love when I find the boys playing nicely together. Not fighting over toys or books. Not asking to watch TV or play with the iPad. Just content in "conversation" and play with one another. I dreaded calling them for dinner because I know this only lasts for so long. Unfortunately as soon as I got caught taking a picture the peace ended and they began begging for food and drink. Guess it's time for dinner!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Day 288: Oh D!

I was aiming for a picture of Micah and ended up with this instead.

 He's roaring. He thinks that's the fun way to take a picture right now.

I am so proud of the progress this goofy kid has made at school since the beginning of the year. Today wasn't exactly a trophy day but he is actually enjoying going to school now! (Such a relief for mommy!) He gets excited about it and talks about his friends. He is trying hard to listen and keep hands to himself. Something that doesn't always come naturally to this rough, strong-willed child. I am just so thankful for his teacher and all she is doing to work with us on his experience in preschool. He couldn't have a better teacher this year and I am so thankful for her!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Day 286: My Day

Wake up. No work today! Send Davey off to work. Make breakfast. Notice ants in the top shelf of pantry. Clear off shelf and throw away honey that I wanted for breakfast but was covered in ants. Get dressed. Get the boys dressed. Head to Walmart for ant bait. Stop for gas. 3 year old says he has to go potty. Get to Walmart walk in to bathroom to find said 3 year old had already gone...Turn around and go back to the car praying there is a change of clothes in there. There is! Change 3 year old. Head back in the store. Find ant bait. Walk around and look at baby girl stuff just for fun. Drive home. Set ant bait and put food back in pantry. Make hot dogs with mac-n-cheese for lunch. Play and read with 1 year old while 3 year old watches a show on Netflix. Grade some papers while boys do their own thing. Get 3 papers graded. Nap time! Fall asleep on couch for entire nap time. 3 year old wakes up with a wet bed. Change his clothes. Get crying 1 year old up. Get boys a snack. Mom comes over to practice music for women's retreat. Boys are jealous of Grandma's attention to me over them. Davey comes home. Mom leaves. Make dinner. Try to keep 1 year old from falling asleep in high chair. Davey gives 3 year old a shower. His 1st one "on his own." I keep 1 year old from climbing in the shower with him. I get shower while Davey plays and reads the bible with the boys. Get boys ready for bed. Put Daniel in bed. Realize I never changed his pee filled sheets after nap time. Davey changes the sheets and flips mattress. Sing with boys. Put them in bed. Blog. Watch Dancing with the Stars. The end.

It may not sound glorious but I love my life. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Day 285: Little Singers

This morning the Cherub choir (2-5yrs) sang Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho for our church service. Not much cuter than this.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Day 284: Fry Bread

I got inspired by the 3rd grade classes at my school. They are doing their unit on Native American's and yesterday they made fry bread. I thought it would be fun to make some with Daniel. So, I looked up a recipe on line for it and we made some!

It was really simple and fun. Once it's cooked we topped it with something sweet. I put honey on Micah's and Daniel wanted syrup. The recipe also suggests to use the fry bread for tacos which I may have to try.

I'd say it was a success.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Day 283:Spontaneous

We went on an impromptu dinner outing with my brother Tim and his family to iHop tonight. It was fun! Though, we always forget how much work it is to go out with all the kids and remember why we don't do it very often. :)

Daniel was too busy looking at all of the syrup flavors on the table to look at the camera.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Day 282: 1 going on 16

I don't think they wear much more than this at 16 either. (With the exception of boxers rather than a diaper.)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Day 281: Romans 5:8

Daniel was all ready for Awana tonight. Davey puts his memory verses to a tune so he can learn them easier.

And this is him saying "Cheese" rather than actually smiling. Kinda scary but it's the only picture I got today.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Day 279: Flattery, I'll take it!

After school, I threw my hair up in a messy bun, and put the boys in the car to head home. Sitting in the seat behind me, Daniel says, "You're pretty, mommy." Ah Heart melt!

Then, again, half way home he says "Mommy, you look like a princess!"

My first thought, "I absolutely love you right now Daniel!"

My second thought was more along the lines of this- How often do I miss such sweet comments or other things he says or does because I am too busy to hear them? Probably far more often than I should. My children are such a blessing and should be celebrated. I need to soak in as much as I can before I miss it or forget it. (I know I'll forget far more than I'd like.)

Days are busy, stuff needs to get done. Especially as a working mom, the time I do have with my children is so short in the morning and evening. I need to make them a priority over the other "important stuff" that I want/need to do. 

Help me Lord, to really see and hear my children when I am with them rather than let the clutter of life always overtake my mind. 


Sunday, October 5, 2014

Day 278: Sunday

This little stinker decided he wasn't going to take a nap today. He had a short nap in nursery and wasn't planning on giving me mommy time. He knew daddy was at a bible quiz practice and must have wanted me to himself while he had the chance.

When Davey got home he took both boys to Home Depot to give me some much needed alone time! Thank you honey!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Day 277: Afternoon Date

Davey had the great idea to go see a movie today. So, we called my niece for baby sitting this afternoon and headed out. The movie wasn't quite as good as we hoped, but it was definitely nice to have "us" time for a few hours!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Day 276: Windy Walk

We went to the board walk this evening for the final farmers market of the season. A storm is coming in so we drove down instead of walking because, with our luck, it would have started down pouring before we made it half way home.

The wind was so strong tonight Micah was just sitting in his stroller seat saying "weeeeee! weeeeeee!" as if he was on some fast carnival ride. He was mesmerized by the waves splashing hard against rocks and sand.

Daniel- "Let's go take a walk Micah"

On the pier there is a lower deck that Daniel loves going down on with Davey. Tonight the waves were crashing right on the deck so Davey brought him down to get splashed. He had a blast!