Monday, September 15, 2014

Day 258: Be You Bravely

Tonight was our first MOPS meeting of the year. I am very excited about our theme this year. It's "Be You Bravely" We are begining to explore how we can be the women God created us to be-Bravely! Each of our tables is named after a brave women in the bible. I thought that was a wonderful idea because where else should we look to see how we, as women, should be living our lives but to the bible.

Tonight our speaker (Emily) gave a devotional about finding our God-given strengths/talents and using them for His glory. In our table discussions we had the opportunity to talk about our strengths. It was incredible how many of us, myself included, had a hard time stating our personal strengths. This is something I will be reflecting on a lot in the next weeks. I think it would be a lot easier to identify my strengths if I didn't constantly compare myself to those I think have a better talent in those areas. Instead I need work harder at looking to my creator and seeing how I've been uniquely made to glorify him through the strengths and talents He gave me.

1 comment:

  1. This must be the nationwide theme for MOPS! I am speaking on that topic to a MOPS group here in Annapolis in November. Love the shirt!
