Saturday, April 28, 2012


Today is cooking day! Since Daniel started eating solid food, I have made all if his baby food. It really is very easy. It is also healthier and more cost effective. I started off slowly introducing foods and now he eats a whole crew of fruits and veggies. He is yet to be introduced to any meat. I find it is easiest to make all of my food on one day.  Here is what I made today


Yellow Squash


(Until I made this baby food I had no idea how spongy and plain looking it is once the skin is off!) 


Green Beans!
I started to puree what I had aready cooked but had to stop since  my neices Emma and Allie were visiting and both were taking naps. This machine is very loud! Thus the cooking continues and the food starts to pile up.

MMMmmm Butternut Squash!

Rutabaga (I have never even eaten this but Daniel likes it!)  



Everything I have cooked today minus the rutabaga because it was still baking.
I also made sweet potato and have yet to make broccoli, melon and carrots. I got tired and since we only have 3 ice cube trays I figured I had done enough for the night. Once pureeing begins I will pour the food in to ice cube trays to freeze then transfer to freezer bags to store. I will keep all of this in the fridge until the first batch of food freezes. 

 Let me tell you this makes for a looooong day but it is so worth it. You just have to make sure your kid/kids are occupied and there is someone else there to help out with them or you would never get this done in a timely manner. 
It is also more time efficient to be cutting, cooking and pureeing at the same time. I usually prep anything that needs to be baked like the butternut squash and sweet potato first and get it in the oven since it takes the longest to cook. Then I start on the steaming. (I try to either steam or bake anything because boiling sucks your food of its nutrients. Pretty much anything that can be boiled can be steamed.)
 Once I get the first batch of steamed food in I begin cutting up the anything else I have to cook and stick it in a bowl or container to keep until the steamer or oven is ready for it. I take the first batch of steamed veggies and dump it in the food processor. I poor the next batch of veggies in the steamer and begin pureeing what just came out( adding a little water until it is the right consistency). I poor the processed food in to an ice cube tray and pop it in to the freezer. Once it is frozen I put it in labeled freezer bags and voila you are finished!

 I used  for all of my questions regarding what kinds of things to prepare for Daniel and how to prepare them. They even have recipes for a variety of mixes and suggests some spices you can add once the baby is a little older. I don't normally do all the fancy stuff but feel free. I have used nutmeg and cinnamon when baking the rutabaga. 
(hmmm.for some reason the baby food link on that site isn't working...)

Baby D eating and watching me cook


  1. WOW! I can't believe you were able to do all of that in one day. That is amazing. How long will that last Daniel?

    I made all of Talia's baby food as well. I made a total of 2 batches (totaling maybe 4 ice cube trays full) and she REFUSED all pureed food because she wanted to be able to feed herself.

    I ended up throwing out all the food after several months because I finally gave up on trying to get her to eat it. It took a long time until she started eating foods with that consistency- oatmeal, applesauce, etc.

    We just started Gianna on solids this week and so far we have done avocado and prunes (someone gave us a container of Gerber prunes). She mostly just spits them out so far. We will see what happens this time around....

  2. That's funny she didn't like to consistency of baby food. Usually it's the other way around. This batch will probably last us 4-6 weeks. Daniel eats 6 ice cubes at a feeding and he usually has solid food twice a day (lunch and dinner). He also eats oatmeal.
    I have made plums(prunes)before though I didn't make them this time around and he really likes them. My child will eat pretty much anything I give him though. I also don't puree the peas anymore. I keep them whole for finger food.
    I hope it goes better for you this time around! Let me know how she does.
