So my baby is officially sick for the first time at 4months old. Yesterday he had what seemed to us like the common cold with a slight temp of 100 just before bed time. We had no Tylenol and it was late so we thought we'd see if it would go down by morning and then got to Walmart when it opened for some. By 4am he sounded like a barking seal and we could tell that his temp had risen. He just looked and sounded awful. So we decided to take him to urgent care. They took his temp and he was up to 103. Every time he coughs he begins to cry because it hurts and then he cries even more because the crying makes it hurt's just a bad cycle. He wants to eat constantly too. I don't think he eats as much as normal because he's so miserable so he is doing a lot of short feedings like once every hour or 1.5hrs instead of his normal 3.5+hrs between feedings.
I know him getting sick was inevitable but there was a part of me that hoped he would never get there. What parent wants to see their baby sick, at any age. And I definitely didn't think his first sickness would land him in the ER! I was thinking a common cold would have been much nicer than
Breathing in water vapor.
Doesn't that face just make you want to cry? |
Daddy holding him. |
We have him sleeping in his bouncy seat to elevate his head. He still wakes up every few minutes with a painful sneeze or cough then needs soothed back to sleep. |
My heart just aches for him. I honestly can not imagine being a parent who is constantly concerned with their child's health like some of my friends. You are my heroes Matt and Julie
Leach and Rachel and Michael DePaulo.
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