Saturday, December 24, 2011

It has been quite a while since I last posted. I fully intended to post some videos of Daniel's first solid food feeding and some other milestones but it won't work. I must be defective or something. He is 6 months old now but looks like a 9 month old! He is 20lbs and has 2 teeth! He is sitting up and wants to be everywhere but get's frustrated because he can't get where he wants to go.

Here are some pictures to represent the past few months. 

Pearson Cousins at the Fall Festival!

Uncle Jimmy holding Baby D and Baby Gabe

My first "ride" in the Johnny Jump Up
I couldn't help myself. I had this green bucket and thought it would be great for fall pictures. 

The essence of cuteness!

Playing Piano with Daddy! He Love's the piano. He would play it all day if he could! He always looks with excitement when Davey plays on it. It's so cute!

Grandma Pearson feeding him rice cereal! YUMMmmm!

Hanging with Grandpa Ermold

This is my attempt at carrying him with a chitenge that I got in Zambia.
It is basically just 2 yards of fabric wrapped around me to hold him up. I had a very difficult time getting it just right. I did it really well once and then couldn't get it tied securely enough to feel comfortable going anywhere like that. He is just so stinking heavy!

My first "Mum-mum" cracker!

With Mom-mom, meeting his 2nd cousin Tye. Poor kid. Daniel tried taking him out!

I can sit up!
And I love Reading! (In about 30 seconds he is eating it)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Poor Baby D

So my baby is officially sick for the first time at 4months old. Yesterday he had what seemed to us like the common cold with a slight temp of 100 just before bed time. We had no Tylenol and it was late so we thought we'd see if it would go down by morning and then got to Walmart when it opened for some.  By 4am he sounded like a barking seal and we could tell that his temp had risen. He just looked and sounded awful. So we decided to take him to urgent care. They took his temp and he was up to 103. Every time he coughs he begins to cry because it hurts and then he cries even more because the crying makes it hurt's just a bad cycle. He wants to eat constantly too. I don't think he eats as much as normal because he's so miserable so he is doing a lot of short feedings like once every hour or 1.5hrs instead of his normal 3.5+hrs between feedings.

I know him getting sick was inevitable but there was a part of me that hoped he would never get there. What parent wants to see their baby sick, at any age. And I definitely didn't think his first sickness would land him in the ER! I was thinking a common cold would have been much nicer than croup
Breathing in water vapor.
Doesn't that face just make you want to cry?

Daddy holding him.
We have him sleeping in his bouncy seat to elevate his head.
He still wakes up every few minutes with a painful sneeze or cough then needs soothed back to sleep.

My heart just aches for him. I honestly can not imagine being a parent who is constantly concerned with their child's health like some of my friends. You are my heroes Matt and Julie Leach  and Rachel and Michael DePaulo.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Don't Even Think About it!

So Daniel is going through that "Don't put me down or I'll scream and I will know if you are sitting and  holding me so you had better not even TRY it!!!" stage.

"I SAID don't put me down!"

"Did you not hear me when I said don't sit and hold me!?"

"Much better."
Like father, like son...apparently Davey was the same way. And so was Daniel's Uncle Tim, so I guess he gets it honestly from both sides. I'm praying it doesn't last too long. Thankfully for me I want to hold him when I get home from work and Davey has to deal with it all day!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Working Mom

After much prayer I was offered to be rehired at Grace Brethren Christian School as a K4 teacher. I knew there was a possibility for the opportunity but was given the official offer last Friday-5 days before teachers were to report back to school! It's funny how God works sometimes. In many ways we are back where we were in May. Davey is even back teaching 2 classes at WBC. The difference is we now have a new addition our little family. Right now Davey will be staying home with Daniel since his classes are Monday night and Saturday morning. If I am truly honest I am a little jealous that he gets to be home with Daniel though I know if the roles could be reversed they would be. We are still (and hopefully always will be) trying our best to follow where we believe God is guiding us even though it is hard not knowing or understanding the way he works.

So, this week I went back to work for the first time after Daniel was born, leaving my baby boy home with his daddy. Wow, that was hard! And I only worked for 2 days. It is going to take me quite a while to get used to this. Though, I don't think it will ever be all that easy. It was hard for Daniel too. He was fussy and very clingy both days I was at work. Breaks my heart. I will honestly never understand mothers who want to work but can afford to say home. As much as I love teaching, if I had the option of staying home with my baby I would do it in a heart beat!

On another note here are some pictures of Daniel enjoying the beach with Grandma Ermold.
Putting his feet in the sand and feeling the waves wash in.
He is definitely my water baby!

"This is my excited face."

"That was exhausting."

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Last week we too Daniel on his first trip to his Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Pearson's house in Ohio for our family reunion.

We headed out on Monday evening and got in around 3am Tuesday morning. Thankfully he slept most of the way out. We fed him bottles so we didn't have to stop and nurse every time he got hungry. Worked out really well on the way there...on the way home however he did not like the bottle idea very much.

He got to meet some of his second cousins who didn't really pay much attention to him since he doesn't do much! Here is a picture of Grandma and Grandpa with their great grandkids.

 Emma, Charlotte, Adrienne, Allie, Daniel, Everett, Kenny, Lonnie, and Gabe
Sadly we are missing Natalie, Colton and Calob.

We also went to visit Aunt Marie ("The Nun") at Villa Maria. This is my Grandpa Bernier's oldest sistster.

Oh and Just in case you were concerned for our safety, Villa Maria is a nuclear weapon-free zone.

Meanwhile back on the farm...
This year is Grandpa and Grandma's 60th Anniversary.

Steve, Val, Richard (youngest to oldest)

In true Reunion tradition we had a Hymn Sing led by Grandpa and his brothers.


Needless to say we had a fantastic time and as always didn't want to leave! This is quite possibly my favorite place on earth.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Happy Anniversary To Me!

One Year go today I got to marry the most wonderful man I know...Davey Scott Ermold. Best decision I have ever made. Just think 2 years ago today I had no idea he existed aside from Christian talking about his RD friend at WBC. Little did I know there was a plot in the works to set us up. I am SO glad it worked though I never would have thought Christian Hanley would be the one to introduce me to my husband. Good work man!
Here are some pictures to remember our wedding day!


First Dance

Father Daughter Dance

Mother Son Dance

 Made by the one and ONLY Terry Tuttle!

And They Lived Happily Ever After...

One Year Later.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Water Baby

This is the beginning of a blog about my life as a wife and mom!
Don't let your expectations be too high it may take me a while to get the hang of this whole blogging thing.

5 weeks ago (yesterday) we had a beautiful baby boy Daniel Bryant. He was born on June 21 at 6:47pm he was 21 inches long and weighed 10lb 5oz (Yes seriously! He's about as big as his 4 month old cousin Allie)

Today we went and got Daniel's birth certificate...well, paid for it and got a "certificate of live birth"...they have to mail the real thing to us. Apparently it costs $30 to print out a piece of paper with his birth information and mail it.

We also had bath time today! He loves the water! He is always so relaxed while the warm water is running over him. He would probably stay there all night if he could. I call him my little Water Baby. Davey says he's ready for the knee board! Maybe next summer... :)