Today was Daniel's last day of K3!
This has been a difficult year for him. And by that, I mean, this has been a very difficult year for me. Daniel started his preschool experience with excitement. After about two days things began to go down hill. The transition just wasn't going well. He was an impulsive, active, rough 3 year old who didn't want to sit for circle time. Each time there was a teacher other than his own (and even then) things went wrong. The first half of the year he got in trouble a. lot. Which means I cried. a. lot. (Don't forget I was an emotional pregnant mamma most of the year.) We were doing everything we could think to do to train him at home and prepare him for the way things worked at school. It just didn't seem to be enough. By November, he had several office visits and a suspension. Boy did the tears run then!

We decided to make a sticker chart and that worked really well. From mid November until April he had a really good stretch. He was (and continues) showing so much improvement. I had all sorts of people from school and church telling me how they have seen such growth and maturity in him over this year. Wow did I need to hear every one of those encouraging remarks.
Still, I wasn't sure how we were going to get through the end of the year. He is still an impulsive, active little boy. My mother-in-law says he reminds her of Curious George. I agree but there are some things a little monkey can get away with that a little boy can not. Thanks to his teachers and others around supporting his growth, he (we) made it!
One thing I am learning (I wish I could say I have learned but I know I'm not there yet.) is that I can not allow his behavior, good or bad, to determine how my day is but to put my trust in the Lord that He is working in my little boys heart. There were days this year that it was difficult to teach because I was so overwhelmed with his negative choices or the consequences. I think the struggle has been used to draw me to my knees more often than I probably would have had it been easy.
I am thankful to the God I serve for forcing me to put my trust in him. I know that one day these things that are causing so much trouble now will be the very things that make Daniel a strong adult. And I pray he will use those strengths to serve the Lord.