Last Thursday I was talking to a friend about how my child still does not sleep through the night at 8
1/2 months old. Every night he will get up around 3 and down an entire 8oz bottle then fall right back asleep. She told me about her son who did that and when he was 10 months old her pediatrician told her that there was no reason he should be getting up anymore and in fact he was now just "playing her." She said, after that visit she went home and for the next 3 nights used the "cry it out " method by the 4th night her son slept soundly through the night.
Now if any of you have seen my son you know he is huge.
Daniel with his cousin Charlie (she is 10 months older) |
He came out big and hasn't slowed down. I think I should change his name to Moose or something more suitable to his size. My point in saying this is to emphasize the fact that he does not need to be eating in the middle of the night. So I decided on Friday that he was done...Like clock work he woke up to eat. I got up and instead of picking him up to feed him, I laid him back down, covered him back up, and rubbed his belly for a minute. Then I left him and he continued to scream. I let him go for a few minutes and went back and did it again. I never spoke to him. I just put my hand on him to try and calm him. After this I let him go...of course the crying turned into blood curdling screams and broke my heart. After about an hour and a half he finally fell back asleep and slept til morning(7:30 or 8 I'm not exactly sure. Davey got up with him and let me sleep in.) Saturday night came along and we had the same routine but this time he cried for only 45minutes to an hour. Then came Sunday night. I never heard him once! Davey said he got up with him and laid him back down and Daniel only cried for maybe 15minutes. Monday night he didn't wake up at all! Here's hoping he continues sleeping through the night! I know there are a lot of people who do not agree with this type of sleep training and that is alright. I however am a believer. Now if only I could train myself to slept through the night again. Even though Daniel didn't wake up last night I still did because I am so used to getting up!
This is him napping the other day. He always pulls the blanket up by his face, rolls over to his side or belly, and finds his way to the corner. (Do not be alarmed. He can still breathe!) |